Cool Background Image For Mac Os X Terminal App LINK
As you may or may not know, you can customize the background of a Terminal window in macOS. You can use either a color or an image, and you can also set a transparency level for the selected color or image. You access these settings in the Terminal > Preferences screen; click the Profiles tab.
Cool Background Image For Mac Os X Terminal App
If you want to use an image, click the pop-up menu next to the Image setting. When clicked, a Choose button appears, and then when you click on that, the file dialog appears. Navigate to the image you want to use, select it, and click the Open button. When you open a new window, the image will be in the background.
Mount the DMG and give it a layout manually in Finder or with whatever tools suits you for doing that. The background image is usually an image we put into a hidden folder (".something") on the DMG. Put a copy of your app there (any version, even outdated one will do). Copy other files (aliases, readme, etc.) you want there, again, outdated versions will do just fine. Make sure icons have the right sizes and positions (IOW, layout the DMG the way you want it to be).
This method may not sound optimal, but trust me, it works really well in practice. You can put the original DMG (DMG template) even under version control (e.g. SVN), so if you ever accidentally change/destroy it, you can just go back to a revision where it was still okay. You can add the DMG template to your Xcode project, together with all other files that belong onto the DMG (readme, URL file, background image), all under version control and then create a target (e.g. external target named "Create DMG") and there run the DMG script of above and add your old main target as dependent target. You can access files in the Xcode tree using $SRCROOT in the script (is always the source root of your product) and you can access build products by using $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR (is always the directory where Xcode creates the build results).
My app, DropDMG, is an easy way to create disk images with background pictures, icon layouts, custom volume icons, and software license agreements. It can be controlled from a build system via the "dropdmg" command-line tool or AppleScript. If desired, the picture and license RTF files can be stored under your version control system.
.DS_Store files stores windows settings in Mac. Windows settings include the icons layout, the window background, the size of the window, etc. The .DS_Store file is needed in creating the window for mounted images to preserve the arrangement of files and the windows background.
You can set the time dropdown menu to whatever you want, from a super active live wallpaper background (Every 5 seconds) to one that shifts from image to image slowly (Every 30 minutes).
There are only so many built-in Live Wallpapers for Mac, but the ones that exist are really beautiful. Try these out to see if you like an animated desktop background. You can always switch back to a still image if you don't.
The 0.01% left is made of unusual cases like for instance if you want your application to be installed in the Applications folder of the root home directory (but this is just an example). For the other 99.99%, just distribute your application inside a Disk Image and inform the user in the Read Me file he/she just needs to move the file into the Applications folder to install it. You can also use the background image of the Disk Image to provide instructions to the user.
You can set your Mac's desktop background to any image saved to a common image format. This only takes a second from Finder, Safari, or Photos. Use System Preferences instead if you want more control over the display.
This is one of those I always knew it was there but never tried it until someone mentioned it kind of hints. I always had my terminal set to mimic a green monochrome monitor from the days of yesteryear. Dare I say I monochrome was the color of the day unless you had a vic20 or Commodore64 hooked to a TV or the way cool Commodore monitor. Now that I have terminal picking pictures from my desktop picture folder I kind of like it!
I had set up a set of random solid colors so that a new terminal was likely to be immediately visually distinguishable from the other open terminal windows but still a solid non-invasive background.Unfortunately it looks like this was removed in 10.5, anyone found the way to do this in Leopard?
One issue I noticed on my MBP after following your really cool hint is that every other window session I open contains the solid white background under black text I had before I altered the window settings preference (i.e. open Terminal, press Command+N repeatedly). Any thoughts? (OS X v10.4.10)
Now we set up the contents the way we want them to appear when the DMG is mounted by users. We add a link to /Applications so they can simply drag over to it, add a background image, and tell the Finder to set up the window size, icon sizes, and icon positions the way we want them.
IMPORTANT There are various third-party tools that can help you create a disk image in exactly the right way. For example, the tool might arrange the icons nicely, set a background image, and add a symlink to /Applications. If you use such a tool, or create your own tool for this, make sure that the resulting disk image: