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Jack Brooks
Jack Brooks

The Spy Image

I am continuing the example I started here, and want to have two images in one picture being positioned relative to each other and using two scopes for the spies. The following MWE includes a first way (without scopes) where I define the coordinate and spy node by own calculations. But i would like to use a scope like in the second example, in order to be independent of the image size i choose (I would have to change every .24\textwidth in the first picture). Adressing relatively to the image (being in [0,1]^2) would be quite preferable I think. Nevertheless, the second example does not work as expected, even more, it does not seem to follow a rule I could see.

The Spy image

Edit: As @cfr pointed out: Of course it is not a good idea to nest tikzpictures, I only did that here to get images to \spy on, in general the image-nodes contain .pngs, which is also my purpose in relative adressing, i.e.(350/512,380/512) is of course a pixel in an 512x512image.

This means that if all coordinates are scaled by the x and y distances corresponding to (image's south east anchor) and (image's north west anchor) then you can write (a.b) which will be scaled to (xa,yb) and this will look as though the coordinate is placed within a coordinate system relative to the image. But what is really happening is that the x is being scaled by the vector(?) given by (some point) and the y by that given by (some other point).

But this is a special case. If the above conditions do not hold, then the effect will be different. (That is, it will be the effect of scaling things by the relevant vectors which will not look like a system of coordinates relative to the image.)

So to use this trick, you need the south west anchor to be at the origin of the picture. Obviously, you cannot do this for two images placed at different places within a single picture. So you need another method...

does. I notived at that point, that prior to this question i was not aware on how x=and y= worked. But thanks to his explanations I saw another method so solve my problem, though it's not very different. For the following solution, the anchors of the imageX nodes can be ommitted because scope takes care of that by

This in the first scope, the point (-.5,1) adresses a point left to the image at the top border to place the spy in, for the second i chose (.5,1) which is the center top if the image. Both spy on nodes are still given in fractions in order to represent pixel values, to be precise, both adress the same relative point in the image. The following solution still uses a tikzpictureinside a tikzpicture for illustration - which you sould not use in the image nodes in a real code.

Spectral Python (SPy) is a pure Python module for processing hyperspectral imagedata. It has functions for reading, displaying, manipulating, and classifyinghyperspectral imagery. It can be used interactively from the Python commandprompt or via Python scripts. SPy is free, Open Source software distributedunder the MIT License.To see some examples of how SPy can be used, you may want to jump straight tothe documentation sections on Displaying Data or Spectral Algorithms. Acategorized listing of the main classes and functions are in theClass/Function Glossary. You can download SPy fromGitHubor the Python Package Index (PyPI).See the Installing SPy section section of the documentation for details.

Class labels can be mapped between images (e.g., from an unsupervisedclassification result to a ground truth image) using map_class_idsand map_classes. ENVI file handlingis improved, view_nd image windows support arbitraryaxis labels, and SpyFile objects have improved numpy ndarrayinterfaces. See the SPy 0.17 release notesfor details. And thanks to Don March formany contributions to this release.

This version adds the Minimum Noise Fraction algorithm(mnf)(a.k.a., Noise-Adjusted Principal Components). The related functionnoise_from_diffs performsestimation of image noise from a spectrally homogeneous region of theimage.

This release fixes a bug in PerceptronClassifierand provides significant performance improvement. A bug is also fixed thatcauses incorrect display of several faces in the view_cubeimage cube display. See VERSIONS.txt file for full details.

This release adds an RX anomaly detector,ability to save and create images in ENVI format (see save_imageand create_image), and a unit-testing sub-package.The top-level namespace has been simplified and several functions have beenrenamed for consistency (image is now open_imageand save_image is now save_rgb).

Insider obtained a copy of the selfie from the Air Force, which said the photo was taken over the "Central Continental" US on February 3, a day before it was shot down by an F-22 Raptor off the coast of South Carolina. The image has since been released on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service.

A Soviet spy laughs at his executioner in a picture taken in Rukajärvi, in East Karelia, in November 1942. It has been thought within the Finnish Defence Forces that the decision to withhold pictures of the fate of Russian POWs and spies may also have been prompted by concerns that pro-Soviet elements in Finnish society could have used the images for propaganda purposes.

The military significance of such developments is unclear. North Korea has not revealed how many spy satellites it intends to keep in orbit simultaneously. Analysts are also uncertain about the quality of imagery they will produce but say North Korea may still attach propaganda value to a domestic satellite program.

The resolution of the latest images is lower than commercially available satellite photos, said Dave Schmerler, a senior research associate at the U.S.-based James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

The Pentagon has now confirmed the authenticity of a picture taken from a U-2S Dragon Lady spy plane of the Chinese surveillance balloon that passed over parts of the United States and Canada earlier this month before being shot down. The U.S. military subsequently released a high-resolution copy of the image that gives us the best look to date at the balloon and the massive payload apparatus suspended below it.

The high-resolution image offers a much better look at the balloon's payload, which consists of a center section flanked by two arrays of solar panels. U.S. officials had said previously that the entire assembly likely weighed two thousand pounds or more.

In addition, there are four symmetrically positioned white fixtures, which appear to be propeller hubs with propellers attached. The Pentagon previously confirmed that the balloon had the ability to maneuver, but had provided no details. Existing images taken from the ground had not clearly shown active propulsion features. The need to power four electric motors, as well as various other surveillance and communications systems, would help explain the need for the very large solar steerable arrays.

The high-resolution image of the balloon offers a clearer look at the shadow cast by the U-2S, as well. The leaked copy of the picture had prompted a question about whether at least one of the Dragon Lady aircraft used to monitor and glean intelligence about the balloon was in fact a two-seat TU-2S trainer. After closely examining this high-resolution image, the position of the aircraft's right wing could explain this shadow, which was a possibility before, but seems more likely now. It also looks as if it was taken from the front cockpit of either U-2 variant. The War Zone is still working to get a definitive answer on the matter from the U.S. military.

Open-source intelligence enthusiasts on Twitter have been working to try to geolocate the image. There are indications that it may have been taken above the state of Missouri to the west of the city of St. Louis. This would align with the path that the balloon is known to have followed as it crossed over the midwestern United States. 041b061a72




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