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Jack Brooks
Jack Brooks

How to Set Up and Use Telnet Server on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

telnet is a standard communication protocol used for remote network logins. it can be used by unix and windows systems. you can use telnet for remote access to hosts for network administration. telnet uses the ascii text protocol and is a standard command protocol. telnet is a popular command for remote access and file transfer.

Telnet Server Ubuntu 12.04 Downloadl

the telnet daemon is the service which provides the telnet functionality for the users. the service listens on a network port for incoming connections and provides a telnet session for the users. the daemon can start, stop and restart the telnet service. when a telnet connection is active, the connection is represented by a process, called a telnetd process. when the telnet connection is terminated, the daemon removes the telnetd process.

telnet server is a computer which acts as a central host which can be used by the remote users. the telnet server also provides basic functions to the telnet client. like when the client is connected to the server, the client is connected to a telnet session on the server. the server provides a telnet session for the users. the telnet server also provides a mechanism to allow the remote clients to view the system state. the telnet server can take user name, password and other parameters to identify the user in the telnet session.

the telnet server is a service in the operating system. the telnet server is actually a daemon which takes care of all the processes related to the telnet server. for each user, the daemon starts a new process to listen on the telnet port and provides a telnet session for the user. when the connection is terminated, the daemon removes the process. the daemon starts, stops and restarts the telnet service. the telnet service is started by a script which is called the telnet service script. the script also starts the daemon which starts the telnet daemon.




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