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Parker Garcia
Parker Garcia

Buy Pecan Trees Texas

You have come to a great tree in your search! We at Wilson's hope that you find this plant information to be helpful and interesting. Let us know if we can help you further as you search for that perfect tree. Our information is based upon decades of loving trees, learning about trees, growing trees, maintaining trees, talking about trees, selling trees, planting trees, watching trees grow, enjoying the beauty of trees and being grateful to God for creating trees!

buy pecan trees texas

All trees have strengths and weaknesses. In order to thoroughly evaluate a tree, you should consider both. Let me begin by offering some strengths of Pecan trees and then I will describe some weaknesses. You will be happy to discover that this trees strengths overcome its weaknesses. In fact, from our viewpoint, Pecan trees make our "Top 20" list.

The Pecan was declared the state tree of Texas in 1919. It was loved and used by native Americans long before that. Many throughout our nation have enjoyed and benefited from Pecan trees. In colonial times pecan trees were a new and exciting discovery. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson planted their own orchards. By the early 1800's the National Pecan Sheller's Association in their article on Pecan History say that "in San Antonio, the wild pecan harvest was more valuable than popular row crops like cotton!" Many special varieties have been developed since then--over 1,000 named varieties.

I have always been interested in the beauty of the tree itself, and the pecans are such a bonus. One of my favorite drives heads out of Bandera on Highway 16 toward Medina. It takes you through a beautiful grove of Pecan trees that lines the road alongside the Medina river. In older neighborhoods spanning out from Downtown San Antonio you can see majestic Pecan trees all over. As you drive throughout the surrounding countryside you can also see stately Pecan trees on old farm homesteads. The nuts are spread by squirrels and the trees seem to come up everywhere throughout the entire San Antonio area. At my own nursery in Helotes, I have had to cut down Pecan seedlings that are ready to grow where there is no room for such a large tree. They are tough survivors. Cutting them down to the ground is not enough. They will certainly grow back in no time. Texas needs trees that are tough survivors like our native Pecan trees. Pecan trees were the most popularly planted tree before the 1950's in the San Antonio area.

A Pecan tree in the right spot is truly a majestic tree in the making. This is a tree that you know will become a huge shade tree. Pecan trees look their most awesome when they stand alone out in the full sun where they can show off their massive character just like our other large native trees. Pecan trees are some of the most impressive trees you will see in the San Antonio area reaching 100' feet tall. The largest Pecan tree in Texas is found in Weatherford and measures 118' feet tall with a crown spread of 159' feet and a trunk diameter of 8' feet. If you are wanting a large shade tree then Pecan would be a good choice. Like most quality trees it has a moderate growth rate. With some regular watering in dry spells you can certainly speed it up.

"Pecan" is from an Algonquin native American word that means nuts that you crack with a rock. Pecan nuts are a favorite. They are great to eat shelled or better yet in a pecan pie or many other baked goods. Pecan tree growers, pickers, cooks and connoisseurs are everywhere! It takes about 7 years for a young grafted tree to begin producing pecans. Native Pecan trees may take 10 to 15 years to produce. According to AgriLife Extension service of Texas A&M "more than 1,000 pecan seedlings have been named and grafted as varieties." Native, ungrafted trees tend to make better landscape trees while grafted trees make better nuts. There are many lists of grafted varieties which are best for our area. However, our "Top-20" list is more concerned with what trees look good and make good shade. This is why we are mainly talking about native, ungrafted Pecan trees, the kind that may already pop up in your back yard.

You don't have to worry about your Pecan tree dying of old age. By planting one you will be leaving a legacy behind for future generations. Your tree will get better with age. I have read estimates of the lifespan of Pecan trees to be over 300 years and certainly over 100 years.

Although Pecan trees grow most naturally in low lying areas near river bottom areas, they are still tough survivors on upland sites. They can be grown in Hill Country terrain but will certainly do better with soil enhancement and watering under those conditions.

Of course, all trees and landscape plants have weaknesses. Pecan trees overcome weaknesses through their strengths, making them desirable to plant after honest evaluation. The following are some weaknesses of Pecan Trees:

Aphids, a small sucking insect seem to visit Pecan trees yearly. They excrete a sticky substance called honeydew that falls in little droplets like rain and makes a mess underneath. Fall webworms are another problem. They make cottony bags of webbing around groups of leaves here and there that they feed on. The problem of spraying these pests lies in the difficulty of reaching trees that can be very large, so that a tree company with special spraying equipment would be needed. This can create a problem if your tree is close to neighboring properties who may become upset with chemicals being sprayed in the air. The smaller the tree the easier and safer it is to do this on your own with less danger of drift.

Pecan trees get large and their limbs get laden down with pecans which means some limbs are liable to fall during storms. In addition, Pecan trees need full sun to be fully healthy. In shaded areas they will shade out some of their older growth underneath which will cause some limbs to eventually die. It is a good idea to keep a Pecan tree at least 30 feet away from your house to avoid limbs dropping near your home. Your tree will also benefit from professional trimming.

The pecan tree is native to North America, and most pecan tree varieties grow well from Illinois down to Florida and across the south to Texas. The tree may reach 70 to 100 feet in height and 40 to 80 feet in width. As a member of the Hickory family, the wood is very good for building fine furnitures or for general construction, however it is not as hard as hickory. The pecan nut trees for sale at Willis Orchards are a true delight. Pecans are heart-healthy, containing 87% unsaturated fatty acid. They are high in vitamins and minerals, containing over 19 vitamins and minerals. The pecan offers antioxidant properties that reduce LDL cholesterol (Bad cholesterol) build-up. Pecans are prized mainly for their lumber and for their delicious nuts.

Pecan trees are generally sold as either seedling trees or paper-shell grafted trees. The seedling trees are of less value producing the smaller, hard-shell nuts. Willis Orchard Company only offers fine paper-shell grafted pecan trees for sale.These pecan trees are of orchard quality producing larger, paper-shell nuts that sell at a higher price. The oil content and nut quality of our select varieties are superior selections for your home or orchard. Choose Willis Orchards for top-quality pecan trees for sale!

Pecan TreesWhen planting pecan trees, they need to be spaced 40 to 60 feet apart in orchard plantings and no closer than 40 feet for home plantings. However, pollination may occur between trees over 200 feet apart. To ensure production of nuts, you must plant two varieties. Some self-pollination may occur, however it is highly recommended to plant at least three varieties together for maximum pollination and production. We classify the pollination periods of each tree as either protandrous (Type 1) or protogynous (Type 2.) You should mix Type 1 and Type 2 for best pollination and highest yields.

Our Pecan trees for sale will grow in a variety of soil types, except poorly drained soils. When planting pecan trees, dig a hole that is, at least, two feet wide and three feet deep and back fill with well drained soil. Also, do not apply fertilizers for the first two years. After that time, in the Spring apply one pound of 10-10-10 with micronutrients around the root zone of the tree. Then, you should apply one pound of zinc sulphate and another pound of fertilizer in July. Zinc is especially important for pecan trees so you will need to continue to apply one pound of zinc sulfate each year. You should also increase your fertilizer by one pound each year. We sell our trees bare-root and recommend pruning 1/3 to 1/2 of the top of your new tree to encourage vigorous growth and rapid establishment. Willis Orchard Company will assist you with making your pecan tree selections and offer expert advice for all of your pecan tree needs.

Pecans are native to about 150 counties in Texas, but are capable of growing and producing in every Texas county. They are long-time favorites for landscaping as well as nut production. They are difficult to transplant and need special attention throughout their lives but what a payoff they return! In the wild, pecans live in river and creek bottoms where soils are deep, fertile, and well-drained, but can hold substantial amounts of water. If you choose to plant a pecan, you should look for those same qualities in your landscape. Trying to modify shallow, poorly draining soils by digging large planting holes and adding topsoil or compost often does not work in the long term.

Stein said the U.S. Department of Agriculture breeding program has done excellent work in improving pecan cultivars, with a few of their successes being the Wichita and Cheyenne varieties. These two cultivars are the mainstay for the commercial industry in Central and South Texas.

Initially pecans were bred for size, and resulted in large varieties such as Choctaw, Mohawk and Kiowa. However, as these trees age, the nuts tend not to fill as well and so emphasis has shifted from size to earlier-filling, smaller nuts. This resulted in the release of Pawnee, Kanza, Waco and Nacono varieties. 041b061a72




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