BA First Year - How This Chhattisgarhi Movie Won 17 Awards and Millions of Hearts
Its quite cheap. Some effects require registration. Examples include Fast FFT, Advanced Audio Effects, Fast Track, & FX Paths. But it is easy to register and would be free for the first few weeks. If you want more advanced features, you can easily find them on the internet. Tip: Use Audacity to import clips from a large file. It handles multi track recording well. Good for projects like soundtracks or vocals. I dont know enough about wave editing to comment. Tip: Making a copy of the file you are working on is a quick way to experiment with alternative settings. Right click to make a copy. Tip: Move the part you are working on up and down in the timeline window to see what setting changes affect it. You can reset the default settings by right clicking at the start of the timeline window. Experiment with the volume, compression, effects settings. You can always go back to the original file and use the copy you made if you want. You can also use different wave forms. You can audition different wave forms online. Use Audacity. Set Gain to default, set VU meter to normal. Then, with the gain on 100% and the VU on normal, drag the volume slider on the bottom of the screen down by 50% or so, and then increase the volume of the clip by 50% or so. The wave form will start to change colour, and once it is blue, go to your other favourite wave form. If the wave form is in the green range, some of the sound will start to be clipped off. You can change the wave form by going to File>Options >Preference >EQ.
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